Sorry, but I am no more into chaos magick, or "chaoist philosophy". Therefore this page doesn't exist anymore: those who have linked it from their web page should remove the links. I am no more into chaos magick, because I am now strong enough to look into the light of nihilism without blinking. Chaoism was the destruction phase of my evolutionary cycle, so to speak. I am now in the phoenix, or Osiris stage. I, therefore, encourage all nihilists or chaoists to evolve to a higher, more life-affirming state of "consciousness"...

"Wherever I found a living thing, there found I Will to Power; and even in the will of the servant found I the will to be master. That to the stronger the weaker shall serve- thereto persuadeth he his will who would be master over a still weaker one. That delight alone he is unwilling to forego. And as the lesser surrendereth himself to the greater that he may have delight and power over the least of all, so doth even the greatest surrender himself, and staketh- life, for the sake of power. It is the surrender of the greatest to run risk and danger, and play dice for death. And where there is sacrifice and service and love-glances, there also is the will to be master. By by-ways doth the weaker then slink into the fortress, and into the heart of the mightier one- and there stealeth power. And this secret spake Life herself unto me. "Behold," said she, "I am that which must ever surpass itself." To be sure, ye call it will to procreation, or impulse towards a goal, towards the higher, remoter, more manifold: but all that is one and the same secret. Rather would I succumb than disown this one thing; and verily, where there is succumbing and leaf-falling, lo, there doth Life sacrifice itself- for power! (...) Only where there is life, is there also will: not, however, Will to Life, but- so teach I thee- Will to Power! (...) And he who hath to be a creator in good and evil- verily, he hath first to be a destroyer, and break values in pieces. Thus doth the greatest evil pertain to the greatest good: that, however, is the creating good."

- Friedrich Nietzsche, "Thus spake Zarathustra"

BTW, to contact me, my new e-mail address is: